
Posts Tagged ‘Rackhouse Pub’

Here are some pretty photographs of excellent things and also of me. The Wife has been carping that I haven’t updated the ol’ CBC, so here you go, you slavering jackals. She took the good ones, I took the ones that look like they were shot from Mars.

Me, with beard.

Some guys scouting for carp on the Platte.

Afternoon drink (Ska Modus Hoperandi, shot of Powers Irish whiskey) at Rackhouse Pub on Santa Fe. Every time I’m there I end up talking baseball with this one regular who also believes that Bert Blyleven is entirely worthy of the Hall of Fame. Suck on that, self-involved, baby boomin’, win-fetishizing baseball writers nationwide! Further, one of the bartenders is evidently the daughter of ’80s Cardinals starter Bob Forsch, although I have not yet found final confirmation of this.

Works fries at Park Burger. Probably the best thing these guys do.


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